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2005 Tenderness Tour
2005 Tenderness Tour Goes to Duluth
  • First Witness Child Abuse Resource Center in Duluth received the "Tenderness Award" for their outstanding work...​
  • July 2, 2005: Peoria, IL​
  • September 10, 2005: ICADV Event in Indy
  • ​November 5, 2005: Duluth, MN was a tour that happened when I met a new friend online. Naomi was instrumental in organizing the event on the Duluth side, but she forgot to warn me about that thing called snow in early November! :) 
15th Anniversary Brings "Tenderness Around the World"
I think it was 2004 that I got the idea for the 15th anniversary that I would donate $15.00 to a children's organization and/or project in every country of the world. It was a fun year deciding what to do and how to accomplish it...It looked like I was going to fail until I ended up winning an award from the Indianapolis Colts that year and the prize included cash. The cash went to this effort.
  • Afghanistan: $15 to UNICEF in this war-torn nation was donated on 4/5/05. What will $15 do here? $15 can help UNICEF in their "Child Soldier Demobilization" program designed to move children off the battlefield.
  • Albania: $15 to UNICEF in Albania was donated on 4/5/05. Funds support a newer program designed to prevent "inter-family" revenge killings, a relatively unknown but rather extensive problem in this nation.
  • Algeria: $15 to UNICEF in Algeria was donated on 4/5/05. Specifically, this donation is helping UNICEF integrate disabled children into classrooms by addressing practical & psychosocial factors.
  • American Samoa: $15 to MISS Foundation on 4/5/05. MISS Foundation provides grief support to families experiencing the death of a child. Technically, American Samoa is a US principality but received a donation due to their extensive services in the area of grief support for families.
  • Andorra: $15 to UNICEF in Andorra on 4/5/05 supports already existing programs designed to address hunger issues related to children.
  • Angola: $15 to UNICEF in Angola feels like it does very little for a nation that has been in constant war for the past 40 years resulting in one of the highest child mortality rates in the world. Angola is in the process of developing a national child protection framework aimed at reunifying families of child soldiers and developing programs so that children lost in wars can be traced back to their families.
  • Antarctica: The land without child abuse. Literally, Antarctica has the weird privilege of being the only recognized territory to have zero incidents of child abuse/domestic violence. Antarctica has no actual sovereignty, no indigenous peoples, and is primarily a research land with no true permanent residents. There are, in fact, no social organizations. Thus, there's nothing to receive a donation here (other than scientific programs, which are inappropriate for this program). However, funds have been donated to ALL countries who have staked a claim of sovereignty over this territory.
  • Antigua and Barbuda (2 islands): $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 9/26/04. Supports the development of housing in islands that have experienced hurricane devastation.
  • Argentina: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 9/26/04 supports the development of housing for low-income families living in severely sub-standard situations that creates a tremendous risk to the welfare of this countries children and families.
  • Armenia: $15 to Habitat for Humanity of Armenia on 9/26/04 supports this nations development of decent, affordable housing for its residents.
  • Australia: $15 to UNICEF in Australia on 4/5/05. UNICEF does not, in fact, provide direct services in Australia...however, this nation's UNICEF developed a marvelous program called "Change4Good", a partnership with the airline industry. Passengers donate unwanted currency, and the funds raised are distributed to the needier countries that UNICEF serves. Our $15 benefited this program! Please note that Australia also includes: Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos, Coral Sea Islands, Heard & McDonald Islands & Norfolk Islands.
  • Austria: $15 to UNICEF in Austria on 4/5/05 benefiting efforts to advocate for children's rights in this European nation.
  • Azerbaijan: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. $15 donation went to support the opening of a photo exhibit by the children of Beslan, one of the larger cities in Azerbaijan. The exhibit opens in late August, 2005.
  • Bahrain: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to this Mideast nation. Funds to be used in working towards a "Child Assessment Centre" aimed at providing kid-friendly healthcare to a nation that still tends to view women & children as second-class citizens.
  • Bangladesh: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 9/26/04 supports rebuilding efforts following the devastating tidal wave this year, an unexpected expense for a nation already troubled by sub-standard housing.
  • Barbados: $15 to UNICEF in Barbados on 4/5/05. Funds primarily support UNICEF efforts to increase social investment in child protection initiatives.
  • Belarus: $15 to UNICEF in Belarus on 4/5/05. Funds benefit the "Leave No Child Out" campaign started by UNICEF youth volunteers.
  • Belgium: $15 to Pax Christi International on 4/2/05 through Brethren Volunteer Services. Pax Christi is an international Catholic peace organization working to promote and unite peace efforts worldwide.
  • Belize: $15 to Habitat for Humanity of Belize on 9/26/04 supports this nation's effort to provide affordable housing to families.
  • Benin: $15 to Benin Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/8/05 supports this small African nation in developing child abuse prevention programs & national policies.
  • Bermuda: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 9/26/04 supports the development of safe housing for many low-income families.
  • Bhutan: $15 to UNICEF in Bhutan on 4/5/05. Funds assist UNICEF in dealing with Bhutan's severe school shortage.
  • Bolivia: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 9/28/04 assists Habitat in moving families out of slum areas and into functional, safe housing.
  • Bosnia & Hergovina: $15 to Banja Luka on 4/2/05. This city was devastated during civil war here and re-construction efforts are hindered by a lack of publicity and awareness. BVS and other organizations are slowly moving into this land to assist & re-develop this city of great pride and resilience.
  • Botswana: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 9/28/05 assists large, low-income families in moving into safe, affordable housing.
  • Brazil: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 11/23/04. Funds assist families in moving out of high crime areas in Brazil slum areas.
  • British Indian Ocean Territory: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 supports ongoing efforts in child advocacy.
  • Brunei Darrusalam: $15 to "Make Every Mother and Child Count" program of World Health Organization on 8/22/05 in this nation.
  • Bulgaria: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 11/23/04 to benefit existing national initiatives on affordable housing.
  • Burkina Faso: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Specifically, while Burkina Faso ratified the Convention on the Rights of Children, the nation has been slower to implement it. These funds support a program to improve conditions for minor children currently incarcerated at Ouagadougou Prison.
  • Burundi: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 11/23/04 supports development of sturdier housing for families.
  • Cambodia: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 supports the "Community Action for Child Rights" Program.
    Cameroon: $15 donation to Children's Fund Education Program on 9/26/04 supports this small nation's own efforts to to increase the education opportunities for its children.
  • Canada: $15 donation to DanceArts Vancouver on 9/14/04 support therapeutic programs offered to children of Canada.
  • Cape Verde: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Funds benefit the "Girl's Education Initiative" set forth by the country's government to increase opportunities for girls in this small nation.
  • Central African Republic: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 support a country where MANY of the citizens live in unsafe housing. In Central African Republic, $15 covers one month's house payment for a family!
  • Chad: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. After years of war, this landlocked West African nation is at peace. This allows many children's initiatives to begin, including the "Female Education Promotion Project."
  • Chile: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 supports urban efforts at housing many low income families.
  • China: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05. Habitat's presence here is astounding considering China's notorious resistance to West support. Yet, the expertise Habitat is providing is proving a major help to China's efforts to improve housing nationwide.
  • Colombia: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 in this nation that has experienced significant civil strife yet continues to be supportive of Habitat efforts to build its infrastructure.
  • Comoros: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Donation supported effort to provide birth certificates to over 25,000 children on this island nation.
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to help rebuild a nation torn apart by Civil war.
  • Cook Islands: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. These funds are being used to combat a fairly astronomical adolescent suicide problem on Cook Islands.
  • Costa Rica: $15 donation to Foundacion Paniamor on 8/25/04 benefiting efforts to prevent child abuse in Costa Rica.
  • Ivory Coast: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Funds specifically bought 3 mosquito nets designed to protect children from mosquitos, which often carry malaria.
  • Croatia: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Donation supports efforts to decrease presence of children in war zones in this volatile country.
  • Cuba: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Cuba's Integrated Early Childhood Programme aims to maximize immunization levels on Cuban children to ensure maximum health safety.
  • Czech Republic: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Funds support an Early Childhood program in this somewhat poor European nation.
  • Denmark: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Donation largely supports European efforts in child advocacy. Also included in Denmark are Faeros Islands and Greenland.
  • Djibouti: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Effort supports Early Childhood Program designed to eradicate polio and improve health conditions for young children.
  • Dominica: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Donation helps program aimed at increasing social investment on childhood protection issues.
  • Dominican Republic: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 support this nation's efforts to improve housing for its poorest citizens.
  • East Timor: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 support this war-torn nation in rebuilding an infrastructure to support many devastated families.
  • Ecuador: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 support inner-city housing projects.
  • Egypt: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to help this nation work with many of its poorer citizens in large cities in finding affordable, safe housing.
  • El Salvador: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity supporting existing programs. Donation on 2/20/05. In El Salvador, $15 buys 60 cinder blocks used in home construction.
  • Equatorial Guinea: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Program supports effort to increase community support of schools and develop a more democratic school structure increasing parental involvement in the education of their children.
  • Eritrea: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. This nation is currently experiencing one of its worst droughts ever, and funds benefit a relief effort designed to provide the basics to destitute kids in camps.
  • Estonia: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Donation benefits existing relief programs.
  • Ethiopia: $15 donation to Ethiopia Chapter of ANPPCAN on 9/8/04 to develop child abuse prevention programs in this African nation.
  • Falkland Islands: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Efforts support child advocacy programs in the Falklands.
  • Fiji: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support hurricane stabilization efforts.
  • Finland: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 support European efforts in child advocacy and other ongoing programs.
  • France: $15 donation to Emmaus Community on 4/2/05 to support peace efforts. France also includes the following locations that received individual donations: Clipperton Island, Europa Island, Glorioso Island, Guadeloupe, Juan de Nova Island, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, French/Antarctic Islands, Reunion, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Tromelin Island and Wallis and Futuna.
  • French Guiana: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/2/05 to support existing programs.
  • French Polynesia: $15 donation to Brethren Volunteer Services on 4/2/05 to support ongoing programs in this area.
  • French Metropolitan: $15 donation to Brethren Volunteer Services on 4/2/05.
  • French Southern Territories: $15 donation to BVS for same efforts on 4/2/05.
  • Gabon: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Thanks to UNICEF, child trafficking is now in the penal code for this nation, and the donation helps support efforts to decrease child trafficking in Gabon.
  • Gambia: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to work on advocacy/protection issues for Gambia's disabled children.
  • Georgia: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Funds benefit programs to aid street children in Georgia.
  • Germany: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to help German families obtain affordable housing.
  • Ghana: $15 donation to Habitat fro Humanity on 2/20/05 to aid families in obtaining safe, affordable housing.
  • Great Britain: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support existing programs.
  • Greece: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to support child advocacy and early childhood programs.
  • Grenada: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Primarily this donation benefits early childhood programs.
  • Guam: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to stabilize housing for low income families.
  • Guatemala: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to provide low income housing. According to HFH of Guatemala, it takes $2,800 to build a Habitat Home in Guatemala. Thus, a $15 donation is nearly 1% of the cost of building a home in Guatemala for a low-income family.
  • Guinea: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to help address significantly high maternal fatality rates in the nation.
  • Guinea-Bissau: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to address ongoing poverty/health issues among children.
  • Guyana: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to aid this country in developing affordable housing for families.
  • Haiti: $15 donation to H.O.P.E. Center on 6/30/05, an orphanage for Haitian children.
  • Holland: $15 donation to Salesian Mission in Holland on 7/21/05. The Holland Mission primarily supports spiritual training & programs.
  • Honduras: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05, a tremendous aid in reconstructive work related to hurricane damage.
  • Hong Kong: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to support early childhood programs in Hong Kong.
  • Hungary: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support inner city housing needs among low-income families.
  • Iceland: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to support the Global Parent Pledge Programme, an initiative that recognizes that all the world has a responsibility to meet the needs of children everywhere.
  • India: $15 donation to Serve Trust on 9/26/04 helps support a variety of programs aimed at family intervention, employment and economic issues.
  • Indonesia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support a nation ravaged by internal conflicts and the tidal wave.
  • Iran: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05. Programs in Iran are working to protect/empower street children and enhance child protection/child abuse prevention in Iran.
  • Iraq: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to aid an increasingly catastrophic situation for Iraq's children resulting in a stunningly unsafe infrastructure for children including poor healthcare, unsafe water and little or no social supports. The needs are very basic due to the current military conflicts, but every penny makes a difference.
  • Ireland (North and Republic): $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support urban housing initiatives.
  • Israel: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to support Early Childhood Program.
  • Italy: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 with a primary focus in Italy on child advocacy.
  • Jamaica: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support hurricane reconstruction and increased safe housing in slum areas.
  • Japan: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support improved housing in low income families.
  • Jordan: $15 to Habitat for Humanity for this Mideast nation in enhancing the quality of life of lower income residents, which you don't always think about with oil countries.
  • Kazakhstan: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to support a mass immunization campaign
  • Kenya: $15 to Kenya Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/8/05 supporting child abuse prevention efforts in Kenya.
    Kiribati: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to prevent adolescent suicide.
  • Korea: $15 for Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 in serving North and South Korea in providing affordable housing to families that continue to be impacted by the ongoing conflicts in Korea.
  • Kuwait: $15 to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to begin an introduction to child abuse prevention and family violence initiatives in Kuwait, where no recognized methodology for addressing these issues exists.
  • Kyrqyzstan: $15 to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to address incredibly low-income housing needs for families that have been tremendously challenged by regional conflicts in this area.
  • Lao: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to address childhood trafficking and sexual exploitation of children.
  • Latvia: $15 donation to World Health Organization's Latvian based "Make Every Child & Mother Count" Program on 8/22/05.
  • Lebanon: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for this war-torn nation on 2/20/05 to assist in rebuilding low income housing.
  • Lesotho: $15 donation to Lesotho Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/8/05 to promote child abuse prevention programs in this African nation.
  • Liberia: $15 donation to Liberia Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/8/05 to promote child abuse prevention programs.
  • Libya: $15 donation to Salesian Mission in Libya on 7/21/05. This supports the work of three Salesians in Libya working to protect immigrant families.
  • Liechtenstein: $15 donation to "Make Every Mother & Child Count" Program of the World Health Organization on 8/22/05.
  • Lithuania: $15 donation to Project Heifer on 5/26/05 supporting families in becoming economically stable through farming.
  • Luxembourg: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05 to support a hostel for working boys.
  • Macedonia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 5/18/05.
  • Madagascar: $15 to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 2/20/05.
  • Malawi: $15 donation to Malawi Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/22/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts in Malawi.
  • Malaysia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support hurricane reconstruction efforts.
  • Maldives: $15 donation to World Health Organization in Maldives on 8/23/05 to support Early Childhood Development.
  • Mali: $15 donation to Save the Children of Mali on 7/18/05.
  • Malta: $15 donation to Salesian Mission in Malta on 7/21/05 to support numerous schools & adoption programs run by Salesian in Malta.
  • Marshall Islands: $15 donation to World Health Organization on 8/8/05 to support early childhood intervention programs.
  • Mauritius: $15 donation to Mauritius Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/22/05 to support child abuse prevention programs in this African nation.
  • Mexico: $15 to Yaocihuatl A.C. on 6/10/05, a social service organization primarily concerned with child welfare issues.
  • Micronesia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support housing in this impoverished nation.
  • Moldova: $15 donation to Project Heifer on 5/26/05 to create independent living skills for families through farming.
  • Monaco: $15 to World Health Organization's "Make Every Mother & Child Count" Program on 8/23/05.
    Mongolia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity's housing program on 2/20/05.
  • Morocco: $15 donation to the Salesian Mission in Morocco on 8/23/05 to support a school run by 8 Salesians in the Rabat diocese.
  • Mozambique: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support existing housing programs.
  • Myanmar (Burma): $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support increased affordable housing in this country that continues to experience significant civil strife.
  • Namibia: $15 donation to World Health Organization to support its early childhood programs on 8/23/05.
  • Nauru: $15 donation to World Health Organization's "Make Every Mother & Child Count Program" on 8/23/05.
  • Nepal: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 to support citizens living in isolated locations in their needs for safe housing.
  • Netherlands: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 2/20/05.
  • Netherlands Antilles: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 2/20/05 aids lower income families in finding suitable housing. This national principality also includes Aruba.
  • New Zealand: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support a variety of national projects on housing. This also includes Cook Islands (they got a separate donation), Niue, Tokelau.
  • Nicaragua: Due to my own error in recordkeeping, $15 donations were given to both Habitat for Humanity and the Salesian Mission on 3/29/05 and 8/22/05, respectively.
  • Niger: $15 donation to CARE to assist in disaster relief efforts, particularly in the area of hunger, on 5/26/05.
  • Nigeria: $15 donation to Nigeria Chapter of ANPPCAN to support child abuse prevention efforts in Nigeria. Donation on 7/22/05.
  • Norway: $15 donation to "Make Every Mother & Child Count" Program of World Health Organization on 8/22/05. Norway includes Bouvet Islands, Jan Mayen and Svalbard.
  • Oman: $15 donation to World Health Organization on 8/23/05 to support Early Childhood Intervention efforts.
  • Pakistan: $15 donation to Afghan Refugee Relief Fund on 9/26/04.
  • Palau: $15 donation to World Health Organization's Early Childhood Program on 8/23/05.
  • Palestinian National Authority: $15 donation to "Make Every Mother & Child Count Program" of World Health Organization on 8/24/05. (FINAL DONATION! Mission Accomplished!)
  • Panama: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 3/29/05.
  • Papau New Guinea: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to provide safe, family housing on 3/29/05.
  • Paraguay: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for existing housing programs on 3/29/05.
  • Peru: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for inner city housing project on 3/29/05.
  • Phillipines: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for projects throughout all the islands. Donation on 5/18/05.
  • Poland: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support inner city housing for low-income families.
  • Portugal: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for existing programs on 3/29/05.
  • Puerto Rico: $15 donation to MISS Foundation on 4/10/05 to support grief support for families experiencing the loss of a child.
  • Qatar: $15 donation to World Health Organization on 8/23/05 to support Early Childhood Program.
  • Romania: $15 donation to Children's Relief Network on 9/26/04 to support orphanages and street children.
  • Russian Federation: $15 donation to "Musical Orphanage" on 11/22/04 in the name of Michie Sebree.
  • Rwanda: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to assist in the rebuilding of many homes from the country's civil strife. Donation on 3/29/05.
  • St. Kitt & St. Nevis: $ 15 donation to World Health Organization's Early Childhood Program on 8/23/05.
  • St. Lucia: $15 donation to World Health Organization's "Make Every Mother & Child Count" Program on 8/23/05.
  • Samoa: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity's existing programs on 3/29/05.
  • San Marino: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. Donation supports the work of four Salesians at a youth center.
  • Sao Tome and Principe: $15 donation to World Health Organization's Early Childhood Program on 8/23/05.
  • Saudi Arabia: $15 donation to "Make Every Mother & Child Count Program" of WHO on 8/23/05.
  • Senegal: $15 donation to Senegal Chapter of ANPPCAN, in support of child abuse prevention efforts.
  • Serbia and Montenegro: $15 donation to Women in Black on 4/2/05. This women’s organization promotes peace issues in Serbia and Montenegro.
  • Seychelles: $15 donation to World Health Organization on 8/22/05 to promote Early Childhood Program.
  • Sierra Leone: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05.
  • Singapore: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 3/29/05.
  • Slovakia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support inner city housing development.
  • Slovenia: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. Funds benefit a Salesian youth center in Slovenia.
  • Solomon Islands: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support hurricane relief efforts.
  • Somalia: $15 donation to Somalia Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/22/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts in this often war-torn country.
  • South Africa: $15 donation to South Africa Chapter of ANPPCAN on 7/22/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts in South Africa.
  • Spain: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. The Salesian’s have a strong presence in Spain, and the donation benefits youth care programs throughout the country.
  • Sri Lanka: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05.
  • Sudan: $15 donation to Sudan Chapter of ANPPCAN on 8/18/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts through an NGO.
  • Suriname: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support existing programs.
  • Swaziland: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. This donation supports 13 Salesians operating 2 small schools in this African nation.
  • Sweden: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. Donation supports 7 Salesians operating a boarding house.
  • Switzerland: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 5/18/05.
  • Syria: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. Funds benefit a school parish youth center in Alepo, Syria.
  • Taiwan: $15 donation to Garden of Hope, an organization dealing with the extremely taboo subject of domestic violence in Taiwan. Donation on 5/26/05.
  • Tajikistan: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05 to support rebuilding of housing for this war-torn nation.
  • Tanzania: $15 donation to Tanzania Chapter of ANPPCAN on 8/18/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts in this African nation.
  • Thailand: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support urban housing initiatives on 3/29/05.
  • Togo: $15 donation to Togo Chapter of ANPPCAN on 8/18/05 to support child abuse prevention efforts.
  • Tonga: $15 donation to World Health Organization’s Early Childhood Program on 8/22/05.
  • Trinidad & Tobago: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for these islands and their hurricane relief efforts on 3/29/05.
  • Turkey: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity’s programs designed to assist this earthquake ravaged nation. Donation on 3/29/05.
  • Turkmenistan: $15 donation to World Health Organization’s Early Childhood Program on 8/22/05.
  • Tuvalu: $15 donation to World Health Organization’s Early Childhood Program on 8/22/05.
  • Uganda: $15 donation to Uganda Chapter of ANPPCAN on 8/20/05 to support this country’s child abuse prevention efforts.
  • Ukraine: $15 donation to Project Heifer to assist families in this impoverished nation to becoming independent through farming. Donation on 5/26/05.
  • United Arab Emirates: $15 donation to “Make Every Mother & Child Count” Program of World Health Organization on 8/22/05.
  • United Kingdom: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity on 3/29/05. UK includes the following: Anguilla, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena, South George and Sandwich Islands, Ascension Island, The Bahamas, St. Helena, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Turks and Caicos Islands. It should be noted that several of these also received individual donations.
  • United States: $15 donation to MISS Foundation to support grief programs designed for families experiencing the loss of a child. The US includes American Samoa, Baker Island, Guam, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Wake Island. Additionally, several of these also received separate donations.Donation on 9/26/04.
  • US Minor Outlying Islands: $15 donation to MISS Foundation on 9/26/04.
  • Uruguay: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05 to support the work of 21 youth centers.
  • Uzbekistan: $15 donation to World Health Organization Early Childhood Development Program on 8/22/05.
  • Vanuatu: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity for existing programs on 3/29/05.
  • Vatican City: $15 donation to Salesian Mission on 7/21/05. Donation supports the work of the Polyglot Press.
  • Venezuela: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support inner-city families on 3/29/05.
  • Vietnam: $15 donation to Asia Injury Prevention Foundation on 9/25/04. (The first donation of this project). This organization works to promote prevention activities related to childhood injuries.
  • Virgin Islands, British: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to enhance programs on social investment in child protection.
  • Virgin Islands, US: $15 donation to UNICEF on 4/5/05 to enhance programs on social investment in child protection.
  • Yemen: $15 donation to CARE Australia, an organization that provides relief programs specifically to Yemen on 5/26/05. $15 provides nearly 50 packets of “plumpy nut,” a therapeutic food product saving the lives of malnourished children worldwide.
  • Zaire: $15 donation to World Health Organization’s Early Childhood Program on 8/22/05.
  • Zambia: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to create safer housing for families in this extremely impoverished nation.
  • Zimbabwe: $15 donation to Habitat for Humanity to support existing programs on 3/29/05.
About the Tenderness Tour

Since 1989, Indianapolis activist Richard Propes has wheeled nearly 5,000 miles raising thousands of dollars in what he calls a grassroots effort to create a kinder, more inspired world through The Tenderness Tour. This is his story.

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The Tenderness Center
1100 W. 42nd Street
Suite 220A
Indianapolis, IN 46208