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The Tenderness Tour
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2003 Tenderness Tour
2003 Tenderness Tour Begins Focus on Domestic Violence

After years of collaboration with Prevent Child Abuse Indiana, I started also working with the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence...

  • March 20, 2003: Martinsville, IN
  • September 6, 2003: 25-mile Indianapolis event for ICADV. This event will turn into the Race Away From Domestic Violence, an event that now includes hundreds of walkers each year in Indianapolis.
  • September 25, 2003: Chesterfield, IN
  • October 5, 2003: A Celebration of Life Event at The Church Within
  • December 2003 "Random Acts of Holiness" Holiday Giveaway
About the Tenderness Tour

Since 1989, Indianapolis activist Richard Propes has wheeled nearly 5,000 miles raising thousands of dollars in what he calls a grassroots effort to create a kinder, more inspired world through The Tenderness Tour. This is his story.

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The Tenderness Center
1100 W. 42nd Street
Suite 220A
Indianapolis, IN 46208